Even in the happiest of circumstances, pregnancy is often a scary and overwhelming time. If you’ve never been pregnant before, you don’t know what to expect. If you have been pregnant before, you do know, and that might feel even more daunting. You find yourself wondering, “can I really do this?” or “how will I get through these next few months?” Perhaps you’re thinking, “what if something goes wrong?” and “am I really ready for labor/birth/parenthood?”
The questions and fears you are having before and during pregnancy are normal. We can say that without knowing exactly what you’re thinking because we’ve helped countless expecting parents in Chicago. Your anxious thoughts could be focused on one particular piece of pregnancy, or swirling around the overall experience and unknowns.
Worries and Fears About Pregnancy
Early in pregnancy, you may have one set of fears and concerns. Then, as things progress, changes in your body and the baby bring a new round of worries. Finally, as the time for birth comes closer, there are often new fears and challenges you didn’t even know to expect. Does that mean you’re a bad parent? Or, that you are not capable of fully loving or appreciating this baby? No! Not at all. It means you are human, having a human experience. One that, while people all over the world experience every day, YOU do not experience every day.
This is a difficult and anxious time for most pregnant people, no matter what else is going on in the world. But, right now, everyone is dealing with anxiety and overwhelm. Those are the last things you should have to feel as an expecting parent. It is okay to acknowledge what is going on. Realizing support is needed is key to getting the help you, and your family, deserve.
Common Mental Health Concerns During Pregnancy
Sometimes, pregnancy can bring on unexpected fears and even symptoms you weren’t ready for. Our therapists who specialize in working with pregnancy concerns often see folks dealing with:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Uncertainty
- Insomnia
- Pain management
- Compounding health concerns
- Trauma triggers or flashbacks
- Partner support and communication
Perhaps, you are experiencing something on this list and it’s making you feel uneasy. Please know that there is no shame in this. In fact, you are an amazing parent for doing the hard work of learning more. Taking care of yourself during this time is great parenting. Sometimes, getting more support during pregnancy can help in the long-term.
Pregnancy and Prenatal Counseling Can Help
With pregnancy counseling, the rest of your prenatal time can feel more grounded. More joyful. Less fearful. Our prenatal counseling specialists will help you with therapy methods that work. In fact, we have special expertise in a number of pregnancy and reproductive topics. Infertility, trying to conceive (TTC), third-party reproduction, pregnancy anxiety, birth trauma, postpartum support, and more. This is a time for partners to feel connected and supported too. But, it is often a space that is difficult for partners to navigate. Our therapists can help you all feel more like a team. Ready to take the next step, together.
Pregnancy Support Groups
Flourish Counseling and Wellness provides a variety of group therapy sessions and online support groups in Chicago. These are safe spaces for individuals and couples of all kinds going through the infertility, pregnancy, or parenthood experiences.
- Queer Conceptions: A Fertility Support Group
- Your Voice, Your Story: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Support Group
- Navigating Your Fertility Journey: An Online Process Group
- Healing Birth Circle Workshop
- New Moms: An Online Support Group
- She Flourishes: A Mind+Body Workshop
Begin Pregnancy and Prenatal Counseling in Chicago
Getting started at our Chicago-based counseling practice is simple. When you’re ready to get started, our therapists are ready for you. And, they can help in-person or online. Whether you a new parent, or a seasoned one, you and your partner deserve to feel supported. To get started, follow the easy steps below:
- Reach out to us using our appointment form.
- Get connected with one of our skilled pregnancy counselors.
- Feel supported while navigating your pregnancy journey.
Other Services at Flourish Counseling and Wellness
At our Chicago area therapy practice, we support individuals and couples navigating the pregnancy experience. This includes infertility counseling and third party reproduction assistance. If you are noticing a strain in your relationship, our inclusive therapists provide couples therapy to heal and strengthen your bond. Further, we encourage all of our clients to check out our group therapy sessions and workshops available, as this can be a healing way to connect with others. And, all of our services are accessible throughout the state using online therapy in Chicago.
(312) 659-4718 | contact@flourishcounselingltd.com